Fun Friday Snacks

We really enjoy class participation with Fun Friday Snacks and we hope everyone will sign up to send in snacks for the whole class. :) Email us and let us know what dates you would like. The dates available are listed below: *May 6~ Sydney *May 13~ Madison *May 20~ Mrs. Pitts and Ms.Finocchiaro *May 27~ Sydney *June 3~ *June 10~ Mrs. Pitts & Ms. Finocchiaro


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

4th grade Shakespearean Play

Today the students had the privilege of watching the 4th grade students perform Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream. The students LOVED IT!!! The play was almost an hour long and our class sat there and watched every minute. They hung by the characters words and laughed and clapped and gasped every time they were supposed to!

Your children may have come home talking about Queen Titania or King Oberon or Puck or the fairies or one of the many many characters... there were a ton! Or they may have even talked about the sword fight or pretend death. The play offered had many different acts and offered a lot of enjoyment.

 Well after the play we wanted the students to write Thank You cards for the students and WOW the class blew up away!! They had the best drawing and writing that we've ever seen... they took their time and we wanted to show you a few pictures of their hard work. :)    

P.S. We want to give a huge THANK YOU to Mrs.Hardage and Mr. Haas... your students were amazing and we LOVED the play!!!
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Week of June 6

We have enjoyed having your children in our Kindergarten Class. (In case you've never heard us say it... "We have the best K Class!!!")The students have worked very hard and learned so much!! They have matured and they have lost many, many teeth.  We love their gap smiles.

We have a busy week planned and wanted to remind you all of our dates and times:
Award Ceremony Day in the Multi Purpose Room at 12:30
Following the ceremony, we will be serving punch and cookies in our classroom. We know many of you are taking the time off of work for this special occasion and we thank you! 

Toy Day
Your child is able to bring one toy to school. Our guidelines are the toy must fit in their backpack, no electronics and nothing with little pieces. Please be aware we will not be responsible for anything that breaks or gets lost at school.

Summer Birthday Celebrations
If your child has a summer birthday and you would like to send in a treat for the class, please let us know. You can send an email or write a note in your child's folder.

USA Party Day
We will be celebrating with a Patriotic Party!! Our party time is 12:00-2:00. Thank you to all the parents that signed up to volunteer, if anyone would like to join us... we'd love to have you!!

We will begin dismissal at 11:30. Just a reminder... Extended Day is closed this day.

Week of May 31

Our Resources for the week are: TUESDAY Music and FRIDAY #1-18 MEDIA and #19-37 P.E. On Wednesday we will be watching the 4th grade perform a Shakespearean play (this is not all fourth grade students just particular classes).
Friday is School Spirit Day!!

We are practicing handwriting by writing our weekly sight words, writing words for the word families and then writing CVC or CVCe words.
And... we are getting our Memory Books done!! The students just have to add more color details. :)

2-D and 3-D shapes are rocking our classroom this week. We are taking our knowledge of edges, faces, corners and vertices and using them to work with and explain shapes. We are also reviewing numbers on the number line, whether to move forward or backward depending on addition or subtraction.

We are reviewing the different topics we've discussed this year and all the different things we've learned about Africa.

Our Sight Words for the week are all the four letter words we have learned this year: the, big, and, etc. Our Word Family is -ook. Our blend is sp, here is the slideshow we will be using. We are reviewing all Medial Vowel sounds. We will discuss whether it's a short one or long one using this slideshow. (I'm not sure if the speaker icon's will work in this slideshow... I am crossing my fingers it does. ) Then we will  end by writing CVC and CVCe words.
We are continuing our Module on the Presidents. The students are really enjoying it and are having fun listing the presidents they know. Everyone loves to tell us Barack Obama! haha They all know he's a president! The stories we will be listening to are Abraham Lincoln,    Teddy Roosevelt,   and   Barack Obama.

Brayden and Michelangelo

Last Friday the students had a surprise visit... Brayden's family stopped by with their pet turtle, Michelangelo. The class was in awe of Michelangelo and had a ton of questions all about him. 

Enjoy the pictures we took and make sure to ask your child all about Michelangelo!!

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