Resources for the week are:Tuesday P.E., Wednesday ART and Friday MUSIC. Wednesday is an Early
Release Day and Friday is Scarf Day!!
will be discussing Complete Sentences. We will make sure our sentences have a WHO (noun) and a WHAT (verb). We will review spaces between words and having an uppercase letter at the beginning of our sentences. We will be working on making 3*** (star) Sentences.
All of our writing this far has ended with a period. :) Our Grammar Lesson on Friday is about to change all of that... we will be discussing periods (.), questions marks (?) and exclamation marks (!).
All of our writing this far has ended with a period. :) Our Grammar Lesson on Friday is about to change all of that... we will be discussing periods (.), questions marks (?) and exclamation marks (!).
K.MD.1.1 – Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
K.MD.1.2 – Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
We move on this week as we continue to work on measurement standards. Our focus is on weight. We will use our knowledge of scales and work with the terms lighter and heavier. Here's a fun video that ties in with these concepts.Science
We have fun this week using paper and playdough to explore and master the science standard below. I am sure our little scientists will enjoy this week exploring these
two forms of matter!
Recognize that the shape of materials such as paper and clay can be changed by
cutting, tearing, crumpling, smashing, or rolling.
Sight words for the week are: made, into, that and they. Our Word Family is the -an family. Practice having your child make words that would belong in the family~ pan, tan, man, Jan etc.
are beginning our new Module on Farms. :) Through out the module we will discuss several farm animals and well as crops that people grow on farms. We will visit a K-W-L chart a little through out each lesson. (This is a chart telling what we Know- Wonder- Learn about the topic of farms.) We will complete graphic organizers on different farm animals (telling how they look, what they eat, how they move, etc.) and then we will compare & contrast one animal to another.Here are examples of the graphic organizers we will be using in class.