Fun Friday Snacks

We really enjoy class participation with Fun Friday Snacks and we hope everyone will sign up to send in snacks for the whole class. :) Email us and let us know what dates you would like. The dates available are listed below: *May 6~ Sydney *May 13~ Madison *May 20~ Mrs. Pitts and Ms.Finocchiaro *May 27~ Sydney *June 3~ *June 10~ Mrs. Pitts & Ms. Finocchiaro


Monday, November 30, 2015

Week of December 1

Children : two-twin-boys-wearing-winter-clothes : Classroom Clipart 
Our Resources for the week are:Tuesday P.E., Wednesday ART and Friday MUSIC. Wednesday is an Early Release Day and Friday is Scarf Day!!

We will be discussing Complete Sentences. We will make sure our sentences have a WHO (noun) and a WHAT (verb). We will review spaces between words and having an uppercase letter at the beginning of our sentences. We will be working on making 3*** (star) Sentences.
All of our writing this far has ended with a period. :) Our Grammar Lesson on Friday is about to change all of that... we will be discussing periods (.), questions marks (?) and exclamation marks (!).

K.MD.1.1 – Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
K.MD.1.2 – Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
We move on this week as we continue to work on measurement standards. Our focus is on weight. We will use our knowledge of scales and work with the terms lighter and heavier. Here's a fun video that ties in with these concepts.


We have fun this week using paper and playdough to explore and master the science standard below. I am sure our little scientists will enjoy this week exploring these 
two forms of matter!
SC.K.P.9.1 Recognize that the shape of materials such as paper and clay can be changed by cutting, tearing, crumpling, smashing, or rolling.

Sight words for the week are: made, into, that and they. Our Word Family is the -an family. Practice having your child make words that would belong in the family~ pan, tan, man, Jan etc.
We are beginning our new Module on Farms. :) Through out the module we will discuss several farm animals and well as crops that people grow on farms. We will visit a K-W-L chart a little through out each lesson. (This is a chart telling what we Know- Wonder- Learn about the topic of farms.) We will complete graphic organizers on different farm animals (telling how they look, what they eat, how they move, etc.) and then we will compare & contrast one animal to another.

Here are examples of the graphic organizers we will be using in class.


Fun Friday Snack Dates!!

If you would like to sign up for a Fun Friday Snack please leave a comment letting us know. Then we will add your child's name next to the date you choose.  Also, we wanted to remind everyone we have 29 students in class. :)

Thanks so much, the students love Fun Friday's!!

 Ways to Stay Cool in Charleston | Her Campus
Here are the dates we have available: 
 Jan. 8,  Jan. 15,  Jan. 29,  
Feb. 5,  Feb. 19,  Feb. 26, 
 Mar. 4,  Mar. 11, 
 Apr. 15,  Apr. 22, 
 May 6,  May 13,  May 20,  May 27,  
and June 3.
 Ways to Stay Cool in Charleston | Her Campus

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Week of November 23

 Animated Happy Thanksgiving Clip Art - ClipArt Best
We are having FUN this week!!
The students have worked hard and we want to reward them with a few fun activities. :) Make sure to ask your child what things we are learning about in class. :)  Also, make sure to be reviewing the work we send home and studying all the different items that are being tested during the Second Quarter. 

Our Resources for the week are:Monday #1-18 P.E. and #19-36 Guidance. Tuesday we will be celebrating with a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. :) Below is the video off of Youtube, enjoy watching it with your child. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week of November 16

home free clipart stick people clipart stick people boy
Our Resources for the week are:Monday #1-18 Guidance and #19-36 ART, Tuesday P.E., Wednesday ART and Friday MUSIC. Wednesday is an Early Release Day and Friday is Hat Day!! Juelz will be bringing in snacks for the class on Friday. And... we have another student joining the Six-Year-Old Club: Reese joins on November 21st.
 *Please send your child's hat to school in their backpack. We will be wearing them outside during Recess.Thank you!*

Our Fall Festival was a huge success!! Thanks to everyone that showed up and supported Chimney Lakes. We loved seeing all of our students. :) Also, thanks to everyone that sent in donations for our Dog Basket. In case you didn't see it... here is a picture of the front and back.

We will review how stories have a Beginning, Middle and End by writing our very own stories about our hand print turkey's. :) The students made the turkey's last week when Ms. Lori came to visit. (They are adorable!!!) We are really stressing to the students that they can use the sounds and sight words they know to write. Make sure when completing the writing homework you are not having your child copy your adult writing. Students are not expected to spell every word the adult way. Their writing uses a lot of invented spelling and that is OKAY! :)
Our Grammar Lesson is on spaces~ making sure we put spaces in between words and not just individual letters.

This week we begin exploring comparisons of Length, Weight, and Capacity. This unit will continue all the way into January when we will begin comparing numbers. This is a very "hands-on" unit which Kindergarteners always enjoy! The focus vocabulary will include: longer than, shorter than, equal to, compare, length, height, heavier, lighter, and enough. Our topic this week is length and height. This "Texas-sized" song was too fun not to share!

Our question to explore this week: What is matter? To answer this question we will be sorting, observing and learning about the properties of matter. Our focus standard is : SC.K.P.8.1
Sort objects by observable properties, such as size, shape, color, temperature (hot or cold), weight (heavy or light), and texture. Our little scientists will be busy exploring their world this week!

Sight words for the week are: all, will, this and had. Our Word Family is the -ad family. Practice having your child make words that would belong in the family~ had, sad, mad, etc.
We are reading a story about George Washing Carver and his love of plants and then we are taking our Module Assessment!!! Woohooo it is time to see how much our Kindergarteners have learned. :)

They have worked very hard throughout the Module and we want to reward them with two fun Culminating Activities. We will read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and Our Tree Named Steve by Alan Zwebel. If you aren't familiar with these stories, enjoy the Youtube video's below. The stories are both adorable!

Mrs. Thomas' Library Visit!

Mrs. Thomas came and the class LOVED her!! (Of course, we knew they would!)

She informed the students she works as the Children's Librarian at the Wesconnet library off of 103rd St, but she added that she does fill in at other libraries. So the students may see her at one of the other ones. :)
She discussed the different libraries around Jacksonville and how easy it was to get a library card and borrow books. Then she got in to some FUN activities!

She had the students out of their seats playing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes." Singing songs and playing game. She also read three different books and the students made an apple craft. At the end of her lesson, everyone got a chance to go "Apple Picking!!" They were adorable!! 

Enjoy watching the slideshow. :)
                              Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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            A free picture slideshow by Smilebox

Science Experiment!

We completed our experiment on absorbing water and of course we had to share it with all of you!! :)

The students were to make a guess about which material would absorb water. The materials were foil, wax paper and paper towels. Fifteen people thought the pieces of foil would absorb water... oooh were they in for a surprise! :) Watch the slideshow and enjoy seeing the smiles on the students faces.
                          Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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      Free slideshow design created with Smilebox

Fun Friday Pictures!!

I went away last weekend (with my camera) and completely forgot to make the post for Sunglasses Day... so sorry!! So I put two groups of pictures into one slide show! :)

Enjoy looking at the pictures from Sunglasses Day and Character T-Shirt Day!! 

                           Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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     This slideshow design made with Smilebox

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week of November 9

Héroes y Villanos Frikis: Charlie Brown
Our Resources for the week are: Monday #1-18 ART & #19-36 MUSIC and Thursday MUSIC. We have two special visits planned this week! :) Tuesday, Mrs. Pitts' Mom, Ms. Lori is coming in to do a craft with the students. Then on Friday, Mrs. Noah Thomas ~ the Children's Librarian, is coming in to do a Library Lesson with the class.  (It is sure to be a great week!!)
All t-shirt orders are due by Friday!
Wednesday is Veteran's Day- there is No School. :) Friday is CHARACTER T-SHIRT DAY and Graham will be bringing in snacks for the class. :)

This week at MCC! | Midlands Christian Church
SATURDAY IS OUR FALL FESTIVAL!! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE. The Festival runs from 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m.

This week we will discuss how stories have a beginning middle and end. We will watch Peep and the Big Wide World to discuss the B, M and E events. Then we will come up with our own story idea and draw a picture for each area: B, M and E. We will end by writing a sentence for each one.
At the current time... Student writing should have most sight words spelled correctly. (They would be the sight words we have taught and reviewed in class) They should be using beginning sounds to write and occasionally adding ending sounds. You'll notice some spaces in between words, but most are not consistent at this time. DO NOT, make your child spell all their words correctly. We are teaching them independence and confidence with writing. :) All of the students are doing great and we want the amazing work to continue!!
Friday we will have a grammar lesson on verbs. We will discuss how a verb is an action word; then we will practice acting out a verb and have the class guess which one we are doing.
We have a feeling your child will LOVE Peep and the Big Wide World. So we are posting the video that we are watching in class. :)

This week we are finishing up the short unit on flat shapes and solid figures. Review shapes, both flat and solid figures at home to prepare for the assessment on Thursday and Friday. The assessment will include the flat shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and  hexagons. Also, the 3-D shapes: cube, sphere, cylinder and cone.

Our scientists enjoyed learning about absorption on Friday. The investigation included learning how to use and eye dropper. This week we will practice using the balance again and learn all about thermometers.

Sight words for the week are: at, more, look and because. Our Word Family is the -am family. Practice having your child make words that would belong in the family~ ham, Sam, jam, etc.
We are continuing our lessons on plants. (For those that are curious... :) the Module will be ending soon.)We will be reading a story about Johnny Appleseed and discussing the word hero. We will brush over the Seasons and discuss how an apple tree looks in each one. Then we will discuss Deciduous trees and Evergreen trees. 
All of these lessons are ways for us to review the relationships between words and illustrations, while also learning how to define new words.

Here is a quick video about the life cycle of an apple tree. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Agricultural Art Contest

Duval schools' new image includes a mascot and a logo | jacksonville ... jacksonville-equestrian0center-logo-website-design-by-eq-graphics ...

The First Annual "Take it to the Jax!" Art Contest is here!!
We received an email from our Art Teacher, Mrs. Phillips informing us of this wonderful opportunity and letting us know that your child is eligible to participate if they choose. 

Here are the Rules:
1) Artwork must be agricultural- animals, landscapes or events.
2) Artwork must be 12X18 and frameable.
3) Artwork can be whatever medium you choose: pencil, crayon, paint, chalk, mixed media... be creative and think outside the box!
4) Artwork must be submitted to your teacher by Friday, December 11.
5) Do your best and good luck!!!

Winners will receive an incredible equestrian rosette ribbon! The winners will be a Grand Champion, Reserve Champion and Champion. All Master Artists (all participants) will receive an equestrian show ribbon.

If you would like for your child to particpate, please write us a note in their Daily Folder or email both of us, at and and we will send home the flyer (pictured below) and a sheet of the 12X18 paper. 
**We have a limited amount of the paper, so we are only able to give one per request.**

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Candy, Candy, Candy!!

Blow Pops "don't blow it!
Tootsie Rolls Go Kosher | Bloggish | Jewish Journal
Donations of candy are being requested for the Fall Festival. Please send in any bags of individually wrapped candies. (We are even willing to take any Halloween candy. :) We understand you can only eat so many pieces! haha)

Starbursts Fruit Chews - Shop
Dubble Bubble Gum • Junk Gum • Gumballs, Bubble Gum & Chewing Gum ...