Fun Friday Snacks

We really enjoy class participation with Fun Friday Snacks and we hope everyone will sign up to send in snacks for the whole class. :) Email us and let us know what dates you would like. The dates available are listed below: *May 6~ Sydney *May 13~ Madison *May 20~ Mrs. Pitts and Ms.Finocchiaro *May 27~ Sydney *June 3~ *June 10~ Mrs. Pitts & Ms. Finocchiaro


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week of April 11

Our Resources this week are:
 Monday #1-18 MUSIC and #19-37 P.E., 
Tuesday #1-18 MEDIA and #19-37 P.E., 
Wednesday MUSIC and 
Friday #1-18 Computer Lab and #19-37 P.E.
Friday's Fun Friday Activity is to wear Purple. This is to show our support for Military children and families. Graham is bringing in snacks for the class. :)
Wednesday is an Early Release Day. We will be making African Huts for our Africa Day Activity.
And make sure to say a big Happy Birthday to Kaylin!! 
She joins the six-year-old club on Monday April 11. 

We are continuing Persuasive Writing. Last week the students worked hard to persuade me to get a Class Pet. The class came to an agreement that a Hermit Crab would be the best pet for us. Then they came up with some strong reasons as to why we should get one. :)

**Picture of the Class Pet Sentences Coming Soon**
This week we will read the book I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff. (Check out the video if you've never heard the story before. It's cute!) We will also be making a chart of the items the students want, but they REALLLLLLLY need to persuade their parents to get.

At the beginning of the week we will finish up working with the number ten. Knowing all the ways to make ten is an essential skill as your child progresses with their math. Mr. Ray, a terrific 3rd grade math teacher was impressed by our class' work with addition and subtraction. He even mentioned how great it was that we were working so in depth with ten. Towards the end of the week we will start new math centers and working with teen numbers. The standard states that Kindergarten students will be able to:
Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 into ten ones and some further ones, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each composition or decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 18 = 10 + 8); understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. 
Phew! That is a long one!!
 I know we will have great success mastering this standard!

How many planets are there? The number has changed recently!! 
We will spend a few days exploring our solar system! Here is a great video we will watch in class. Watch it at home with the family. 
I'm sure your child would love to see it again! 

Sight words for the week are: things, good, just and name. Our Word Families are the -ing and -ink families. Practice having your child make words that would belong in both~ king, wing, sink, wink, stink, etc. Along with the DR- blend. Practice having your child think of words that would begin with the dr blend: drum, drink, drag, etc.   Here is a slideshow I made for us to use in class. We are discussing medial vowel sounds= whether the word makes a short sound or a long one. Examples fit (short i) and site (long i). Here is the slideshow we will be practicing with after we watch the videos below. :) We will also be discussing opposites and beginning an Opposite Chart.

We are beginning Module 10~ Colonial Towns and Townspeople. We will be doing a lot of comparing about life in the 1700's versus life now. We will discuss chores, trades and getting food. The students will have a whole story devoted to making bread and selling it to customers once it's finished baking. If you wish to read the stories to your child, click on the titles. :)
The Country Family      A Trip To Town     
 The Bread Makers
The Cloth Makers     
 Dressmakers, Tailors, Hatters and Cobblers

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