Fun Friday Snacks

We really enjoy class participation with Fun Friday Snacks and we hope everyone will sign up to send in snacks for the whole class. :) Email us and let us know what dates you would like. The dates available are listed below: *May 6~ Sydney *May 13~ Madison *May 20~ Mrs. Pitts and Ms.Finocchiaro *May 27~ Sydney *June 3~ *June 10~ Mrs. Pitts & Ms. Finocchiaro


Monday, April 4, 2016

Week of April 4

Stone of Witness: Friday Five: April Showers Bring May Flowers
Our Resources for the week are: Tuesday #1-18 Computer Lab and #19-37 P.E., Wednesday #1-18 P.E. and #19-37 MEDIA and Thursday ART. There is no school on Friday. :) 
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We have two Africa Craft Days coming up this month. Please email or write us a note if you would like to Volunteer to help us. :) The dates and times can be found on the April Calendar.

We are beginning Persuasive Writing. We will discuss how it is similar to opinion writing, but we will need to give facts in these sentences to persuade the reader. (This is not usually a writing we do in Kindergarten, so we will be taking baby steps together!) Here is the book  Earrings by Judith Viorst, we will be listening to it and using it to discuss how the girl persuades her parents. 

Our students are doing a great job using their subtraction skills. This week they will be introduced to the idea that addition and subtraction partner together. if 8+2=10 then 10-2=8. This is very confusing for 5&6 year olds but I have confidence they will work hard!

This week we will learn about stars and the sun. The neatest fact for the students is that the sun is actually a star! After exploring stars we will move on to planets!

Sight words for the week are: with, very and after. Our Word Families are the -end and -ent families. Practice having your child make words that would belong in both~ bend, send, gent, spent, went, etc. Along with the GR- blend. Practice having your child think of words that would begin with the br blend: bracelet, brick, brunch, etc.   Here is a slideshow I made for us to use in class. We will be discussing medial vowel sounds= whether the word makes a short sound or a long one. Examples cat (short a) and cake (long a). Here is the slideshow we will be practicing with after we watch the videos below. :)

Also, we will really be drilling sight word!!. The students did AMAZING during our last sight word testing. The 4th Quarter Goal is 100 Sight Words and we are going to work hard to help each student get closer and closer to that goal! 
 This is our last week discussing Christopher Columbus and the Pilgrims. We will discuss all the key details from the stories, review our years the events occurred on our timeline. *Hint Hint: Test Questions!! (Columbus sailed 1492, Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock 1620) We will also make a super cute Mayflower Book. Be on the look out for it to come home. :)

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