Fun Friday Snacks

We really enjoy class participation with Fun Friday Snacks and we hope everyone will sign up to send in snacks for the whole class. :) Email us and let us know what dates you would like. The dates available are listed below: *May 6~ Sydney *May 13~ Madison *May 20~ Mrs. Pitts and Ms.Finocchiaro *May 27~ Sydney *June 3~ *June 10~ Mrs. Pitts & Ms. Finocchiaro


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week of March 29

Pep Rally Clip Art -
**Make sure to check back for pictures of our FSA goodies and messages of encouragement!**

Our Resources for the week are: Tuesday MUSIC. Due to FSA Testing, we will not have any Resources the rest of the week. Wednesday is an Early Release Day and Friday is School Color Day. :) We hope to see lots of blue and yellow!!
Please email us if you would like to sign up for any Fun Friday Snack Dates. 

We will review the format for writing a letter and discuss who we can write letters to. Then the students will pick one person off of our Letter Writing Chart and they will write a letter to graded. Please review the letter writing format with your child so that they receive the best grade possible. 

Upon our return to school we will dive further into subtraction. Transitioning between addition and subtraction can cause confusion for even the strongest mathematician. The concept of taking away from a whole group to make 2 parts is strongly emphasized. As the class is working on subtraction, we will continue to work on our addition fluency. Mr. R never lets us down with cute videos for teaching concepts we are learning. Here is a fun one for subtraction!


Before spring break we looked at the day sky and recorded our observations. This week we focus on the night sky including the moon, stars and planets. Stars and planets are always a favorite topic for our young scientists to explore. Check out websites from NASA if you are looking for some interesting topics to discuss at home. NASA offers great educational videos to share with the family! This week the homework packet will include a moon observation chart to complete over the next 2 weeks. Hopefully the weather will cooperate! Enjoy observing the evening sky with your scientist!

Sight words for the week are: know, give and back. Our Word Families are the -ack and -amp families. Practice having your child make words that would belong in both~ pack, black, stack, camp, stamp, champ, etc. Along with the CR- blend. Practice having your child think of words that would begin with the br blend: bracelet, brick, brunch, etc.   Here is a slideshow I made for us to use in class. We will also be discussing words that have the long o sound thanks to "Magic/Super/Silent E!!" rope, bone, choke etc.
 We are finishing our stories in the Module on Columbus and the Pilgrims. This week we will discuss the journey the Pilgrims took on the Mayflower, along with the Wampanoags joining them for the First Thanksgiving. We will continue to discuss the timeline and add other important dates to it.  Here are links to the stories we will be reading: The Voyage of the Mayflower, The Wompanoag and Thanksgiving.

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